Research Group
Summer School
The researchers in our group:
Dr. Roeland van Wijk
Dr. Brigitte Schmidt
Dr. Ditmar Schmidt
Dr. Eduard van Wijk
Dr. Samuel Appelbaum
Dr. Rajendra Bajpaj
Dr. Marco Bischof
Dr. Franco Musumeci
Dr. Larissa Brizhik
Dr. Gunter Rothe
Dr. Hugo Niggli
Dr. Antonio Triglia
Dr. Rosaria Grasso
Dr. Vladimir Voeikov
Dr. Yu Yan
The Summer School 2018 was held from 31 July to 04 August 2018, more information ...
New book: Light in Shaping Life
more information ...
External Photons
Solarzentrum Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, more information ...
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